Australian Bureau of Statistics – Survey of Income and Housing (SIH)


Collection frequency

2 yearly

Latest data


Description of data source

The SIH is a household survey conducted by the ABS which collects information on sources of income, amounts received, household net worth, housing, household characteristics and personal characteristics. The principal objective of the survey is to facilitate the analysis and monitoring of the social and economic welfare of Australian residents in private dwellings in urban and rural areas of Australia (excluding Very Remote areas).


The SIH uses the ABS Short Disability Module1 to identify the presence of disability or a restrictive long-term health condition. Disability or a restrictive long-term health condition is defined as having at least one condition which restricts everyday activities, for at least 6 months.

The SIH collects disability information only for people aged 15 and over. Households are defined as households with disability if they include at least one member aged 15 and over with disability. Households coded as without disability may include one or more members aged 14 and under with disability.

Geographic information

Data collected in the 2019–20 and 2017–18 SIH are based on the 2016 Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS). Remoteness is classified according to Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia. Data source does not cover very remote areas and discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.2


Data is available for all states and territories. For smaller jurisdictions, large errors and/or suppression of information for confidentiality purposes may be present.

Measures reported
  1. The Short Disability Module used in the SIH to identify the presence of disability has been found to overestimate the number of people with less severe forms of disability (4431.0.55.002 - ABS Sources of Disability Information, 2012 - 2016).
  2. Further information on the geographic standard and index used by this data source can be found at Remoteness Structure | Australian Bureau of Statistics (