
In 2017–18, the majority of closed treatment episodes for all clients, included:

  • counselling as the most common main treatment in Victoria (37% of episodes)
  •  followed by support and case management only (28%), withdrawal management (15%), and assessment only (12%) (Figure 7; Table SE VIC.20).

Due to nuances in Victoria’s data collection system, each type of treatment results in a separate episode, Victoria cannot supply data on additional treatment types. However from 2016–17 onward, some Victorian agencies that are solely funded by the Australian Government Department of Health reported a small number of closed episodes with an additional treatment type.

Over the period from 2013–14 to 2017–18:

  • counselling remained the most common main treatment type for all closed episodes in Victoria, albeit substantially decreasing from 56% to 37% (Table SE VIC.20)
  • support and case management replaced withdrawal management as the second most common main treatment type in 2015–16
  • withdrawal management has decreased from 19% to 14% in 2016–17, then rose to 15% in 2017–18.
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