Indicator 5.14 Indigenous regular clients of Indigenous primary health care services who had type 2 diabetes and a general practitioner management plan or team care arrangements


As at June 2019, over half (56%) of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander regular clients with type 2 diabetes had claimed a General Practitioner (GP) Management Plan in the previous 2 years, while 53% had claimed a Team Care Arrangement.


The proportion of Indigenous regular clients claiming either a General Practitioner (GP) Management Plan or Team Care Arrangement in the previous 2 years increased slightly from June 2017 to June 2018 (54% to 56% for GP Management Plans and 51% to 53% for Team Care Arrangements) though remained unchanged from June 2018 to June 2019 (Figure 5.14.1).  

Age and sex

Service access generally increased with age and was similar for males and females (Figures 5.14.1).

Population groups

The proportion of regular clients claiming either a GP Management Plan or Team Care Arrangement in the previous 24 months was 1.2 times as high in Major cities (63% and 59%, respectively) as Very remote areas (53% and 50%, respectively).

State and territory

Among the states and territories, Queensland had the highest proportion of claims for GP Management Plans (64%) and Team Care Arrangements (61%). South Australia had the lowest proportion of claims for both GP Management Plans (47%) and Team Care Arrangements (45%) (Figure 5.14.2).

Explore the data

5.14 Indigenous regular clients who had type 2 diabetes and a general practitioner management plan or team care arrangements, by age group, June 2017 to June 2019 and by selected population group, June 2019

Trends figure 5.14.1 shows the proportion of Indigenous regular clients with type 2 diabetes who had a GP management plan increased slightly from 54% in June 2017 to 56% in June 2019. This increase was largely driven by those in the younger age groups, with the percentage of clients aged less than 15 with a GP management plan increasing from 34% in June 2017 to 50% in June 2019.  The proportion of Indigenous regular clients with type 2 diabetes who had a Team care arrangement increased slightly from 51% in June 2017 to 53% in June 2019. This increase was also largely driven by those in the younger age groups, with the percentage of clients aged less than 15 with a Team care arrangement increasing from 32% in June 2017 to 47% in June 2019. Population group figure 5.14.2 shows proportions were similar by sex for both GP management plans and Team care arrangements and were slightly higher among those living in Major cities compared with more remote areas. Small variations were recorded across the states and territories.

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Indicator 5.14 data specifications



Data source


Number of regular clients who were Indigenous, had type 2 diabetes and for whom an MBS General Practitioner Management Plan or MBS Team Care Arrangement was claimed within the previous 24 months.

AIHW nKPI Data Collection


Number of regular clients who were Indigenous and had type 2 diabetes.

AIHW nKPI Data Collection