PDF table of contents

Preliminary material (161K PDF)

  • Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Summary

Introduction (187K PDF)

  1. Project objectives and report outline
  2. The Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement
  3. Bilateral agreements
  4. A statistical picture of the CSTDA in practice
    1. Framework and method (215K PDF)
      1. Study concepts and definitions
      2. Main data source
      3. Relating study concepts to data sources
      4. Data limitations
    2. Profile of met demand (212K PDF)
      1. Overview of services accessed, 2003 - 04 and 2004 - 05
      2. Profile of service users, 2004 - 05
      3. Service quantity
      4. Summary
    3. Jurisdiction data on unmet demand (213K PDF)
      1. Introduction
      2. Jurisdiction methods of managing demand
      3. Jurisdiction data on applicants waiting for services
      4. Conclusions
    4. Population estimates of demand and unmet demand (406K PDF)
      1. Approach and main data sources
      2. Accommodation and respite services: baseline estimates of unmet demand
      3. Community access services: baseline estimates of unmet demand
      4. Disability employment services: baseline estimates of unmet demand
      5. Consolidating the population estimates of unmet demand
      6. Summary
    5. Projections of future demand (179K PDF)
      1. Projected growth in population
      2. Projected growth in the population with a severe or profound core activity limitation
      3. Summary
    6. Demand for specialist disability services - interfaces, influences and perspectives (237K PDF)
      1. Introduction
      2. Interfaces between disability services and other service systems
      3. Other influences on demand for CSTDA services
      4. Perspectives from the field
    7. Study conclusions (101K PDF)
      1. Accommodation and respite services
      2. Community access services
      3. Employment services
      4. Broader data issues

End matter (609K PDF)

  • Appendixes
    • Appendix A: Detailed tables
    • Appendix B: The 'potential population' receiving specialist disability services - data from the CSTDANMDS
  • References; List of tables; List of appendix tables; List of figures and boxes