
The Strategy’s enduring vision is for a comprehensive national data collection, to be known as the National Sports Injury Data Asset (the Asset), that will:

  • help individuals, organisations, researchers and policymakers understand the risks of injury in community sports
  • indicate where and what type of injury prevention programs are needed
  • measure the costs of sports injuries to the health system and the benefits of prevention programs
  • provide ongoing surveillance to
    • identify emerging risks, and
    • evaluate injury prevention programs in the community.

The strategy will be successful if:

  • sports injury data is collected more systematically across private and public collections and contributes to the Asset
  • data collectors have more knowledge of, and apply, best practices around data collection, consent, privacy, security, and data sharing
  • data collection is efficient and becomes part of normal practice
  • the benefits from the data Asset outweigh any data collection costs
  • good quality data is available over time by sport, age, sex, identification as First Nations person, and other demographic information to inform the benefits and risks of participation for:
    • individuals to make sport participation decisions
    • sporting organisations to prioritise injury prevention priorities
    • researchers to investigate injury causes, equipment, assess prevention interventions and build capacity in injury prevention research
    • policymakers to inform investments in participation or prevention
    • health providers to plan for injury treatment demands