Table of contents
Preliminary material: Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Symbols
A summary of alcohol and other drug treatment in 2009–10
1 Introduction
- Definitions of terms used in this report
- 1.1 How are the data collected?
- 1.2 What's included?
- 1.2.1 Agencies and clients included
- 1.2.2 Agencies and clients excluded
- 1.3 Important issues that explain the data
- 1.3.1 Clients are not counted
- 1.3.2 Funding source cannot be differentiated
- 1.3.3 Covering of Indigenous substance use services is limited
- 1.3.4 Implementation makes a difference
- 1.4 Data issues specific to the 2009–10 year
- 1.5 Explanatory notes
2 Treatment agencies–what sector and where are the treatment agencies?
- 2.1 Service sector
- 2.2 Locations
- 2.3 Treatment types reporting from different geographical locations
3 Clients – who uses alcohol and other drug treatment services?
- 3.1 Own or other's drug use
- 3.1.1 Across Australia
- 3.1.2 Age and sex
- 3.2 Indigenous Australians
- 3.2.1 Indigenous clients in the AODTS-NMDS collection
- 3.2.2 Care provided by OATSIH-funded substance use-specific services
- 3.3 Country of birth and preferred language
4 Drugs of concern–what drugs do people seek treatment for?
- 4.1 Principal drugs of concern
- 4.1.1 Principal drugs of concern across Australia
- 4.1.2 Principal drugs of concern over time
- 4.1.3 Age and principal drug of concern
- 4.1.4 Sex and principal drugs of concern
- 4.1.5 Indigenous Australians and principal drug of concern
- 4.2 Individual principal drug of concern profiles
- 4.2.1 Alcohol
- Patterns of use in Australia
- Drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 4.2.2 Cannabis
- Patterns of use in Australia
- Drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 4.2.3 Heroin
- Patterns of use in Australia
- Drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 4.2.4 Amphetamines
- Patterns of use in Australia
- Drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 4.2.5 Benzodiazepines
- Patterns of use in Australia
- Drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 4.2.6 Ecstasy
- Patterns of use in Australia
- Drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 4.2.7 Cocaine
- Patterns of use in Australia
- Drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 4.2.1 Alcohol
- 4.3 All drugs of concern
5 Treatment – what treatments do people receive?
- 5.1 Main treatment
- 5.1.1 Main treatment types across Australia
- 5.1.2 Main treatment types over time
- 5.1.3 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and treatment programs
- 5.1.4 Reasons for leaving treatment
- 5.2 Specific main treatment types
- 5.2.1 Counselling
- Principal drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 5.2.2 Withdrawal management (detoxification)
- Principal drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 5.2.3 Assessment only
- Principal drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 5.2.4 Information and education only
- Principal drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 5.2.5 Support and case management only
- Principal drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 5.2.6 Rehabilitation
- Principal drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 5.2.7 Other main treatment types
- Principal drug profile
- Client profile
- Treatment profile
- 5.2.1 Counselling
- 5.3 Additional treatments
- 5.4 National Opioid Pharmacotherapy Statistics Annual Data Collection 2010
- 5.4.1 Number of clients receiving pharmacotherapy treatment
- 5.5 Opioid pharmacotherapy treatment in prison health services 2010
6 Hospital treatment – what drug-related diagnoses do people go to hospital for?
- 6.1 Drug-related hospital separations in 2009–10
- 6.1.1 Drugs associated with hospital separations
- 6.1.2 Hospital separations by sex
- 6.1.3
- 6.1.3 Hospital separations by age
- 6.1.4 Hospital separations by socioeconomic status
- 6.1.5 Hospital separations among Indigenous Australians
- 6.1.6 Public versus private hospitals
- 6.2 Hospital separation trends
7 Collection methods and data quality – how are the data collected?
- 7.1 Collection method and data included
- 7.2 Comprehensiveness of the data
- 7.2.1 Australian Government data
- 7.2.2 Data quality
- 7.3 Policy and administrative features in each jurisdiction
- 7.4 Data quality considerations for other collections
Appendix 1: About the collection
- Responsibility for the collection
- Government health authorities
- Alcohol and other drug treatment agencies
- Using AODTS–NMDS Data
Appendix 2: Data elements in the AODTS NMDS for 2009–10
Appendix 3: Detailed tables
- Agency tables
- Client profile tables
- Drugs of concern tables
- Treatment program tables
- Hospital separation tables
Appendix 4: Australian Standard Geographical Classification
Appendix 5: Australian Standard Classification of Drugs of Concern (ASCDC)
- 1 Analgesics
- 11 Organic Opiate Analgesics
- 12 Semisynthetic Opioid Analgesics
- 13 Synthetic Opioid Analgesics
- 14 Non Opioid Analgesics
- 2 Sedatives and hypnotics
- 21 Alcohols
- 22 Anaesthetics
- 23 Barbiturates
- 24 Benzodiazepines
- 29 Other Sedatives and Hypnotics
- 3 Stimulants and hallucinogens
- 31 Amphetamines
- 32 Cannabinoids
- 33 Ephedra Alkaloids
- 34 Phenethylamines
- 35 Tryptamines
- 36 Volatile Nitrates
- 39 Other Stimulants and Hallucinogens
- 4 Anabolic agents and selected hormones
- 41 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids
- 42 Beta Agonists
- 43 Peptide Hormones, Mimetics and Analogues
- 49 Other Anabolic Agents and Selected Hormones
- 5 Antidepressants and antipsychotics
- 51 Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
- 52 Phenothiazines
- 53 Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
- 54 Thioxanthenes
- 55 Tricyclic Antidepressants
- 59 Other Antidepressants and Antipsychotics
- 6 Volatile solvents
- 61 Aliphatic Hydrocarbons
- 62 Aromatic Hydrocarbons
- 63 Halogenated Hydrocarbons
- 69 Other Volatile Solvents
- 9 Miscellaneous drugs of concern
- 91 Diuretics
- 92 Opioid Antagonists
- 99 Other Drugs of Concern
Appendix 6: Alcohol and other drug treatment provided by services funded to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
- Substance use-specific services
- Substance use treatment and assistance
- Substances as a specifically targeted program
- Substances on an individual client basis
Appendix 7: Mapping of ICD-10-AM codes to ASCDC output categories
End matter: References; List of tables; List of figures; List of boxes