Other AIHW indicators
Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework
The AIHW reports on the Outcomes Framework and the progress of the Strategy at Reporting on Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031.
Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021–2031 (the Strategy) sets out a plan to change the lives of people with disability over 10 years. The Australia’s Disability Strategy Outcomes Framework (Outcomes Framework) measures, tracks and reports on outcomes for people with disability. This includes measuring the contribution key systems such as healthcare, housing, education and employment are making to achieve outcomes.
Children's Headline Indicators
The Children's Headline Indicators (CHI) are a set of 19 indicators. They are high level, measurable indicators that identify the immediate environments as particularly important to children’s health, development and wellbeing.
Diabetes indicators for the Australian National Diabetes Strategy 2016–2020
The Diabetes indicators for the Australian National Diabetes Strategy 2016–2020 aim to inform the evidence base for assessing progress against the 7 high-level goals outlined in Australian National Diabetes Strategy 2016–2020. The goals relate to the prevention, early detection, management and care of all forms of diabetes in Australia.
Mental health performance indicators
The Mental health performance indicators section includes the mental health indicator library and data for 2 overarching sets of indicator. These provide a measure of performance and progress in the delivery of services across the mental health sector.
National asthma indicators
The National asthma indicators provide insights on how common asthma is in Australia; asthma related deaths, hospital visits and general practice encounters; the use of asthma action plans, impact of asthma on quality of life, and the cost of asthma to the Australian healthcare system.
National Core Maternity Indicators
The latest report is an online presentation of the 12 National Core Maternity Indicators (NCMI) currently reported from 2004 to 2016. The indicators provide the most recent data available and assist in the assessment, monitoring and evaluation of patient care.
National Housing and Homelessness Agreement performance indicators
The National Housing and Homelessness Agreement (NHHA) performance indicators published by the AIHW reflect the performance of Specialist Homelessness Services through the measurement of people experiencing repeat homelessness and the effectiveness of services in delivering support that prevents people from becoming homeless.
National framework for protecting Australia's children indicators
This release covers the indicators under the National framework for protecting Australia's children and the National Standards for Out-of-Home Care. It includes child protection indicators, along with a variety of other measures that focus on whether Australia's children are safe and well.
National Standards for out-of-home care indicators
The National Standards for out-of-home care indicators have been designed to drive improvements and deliver consistency in the quality of care so that children in out-of-home care have the same opportunities as their peers to reach their potential in life wherever they live in Australia. The National Standards focus on children and young people under 18 whose care arrangements were ordered through the relevant children's court and parental responsibility for the child was transferred to the Minister/ Chief Executive.
National Youth Information Framework (NYIF) indicators
The National Youth Information Framework (NYIF) data visualisations provide the latest available information on how Australia's young people aged 12–24 are faring.
Patient experience indicators
Patient experience indicators from the report: Patient experiences in Australia by small geographic areas in 2019–20 that presents information on over 20 self-reported measures of patient experience from the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ (ABS) Patient Experience Survey (the Survey). The Survey population includes Australians aged 15 and over, who are referred to as Australian adults within this report.