Table of contents

  • Preliminary material (604KB PDF)
    • Half title and verso pages
    • Title and verso pages
    • Contents
    • Preface
    • Key points-Australia's health 2008  
  • Sections
    1. Introduction (484KB PDF)
      1. Understanding health
      2. Australia at a glance
      3. Australia compares well
      4. Improving health and measuring performance
      5. The Australian health system: an outline
      6. National health information
      7. How this report is presented
    1. The health of Australians-an overview (472KB PDF)
      • Key points
      1. Australia's changing population
      2. Self-assessment of health
      3. Long-term conditions
      4. Functioning and disability
      5. Causes of death
      6. Burden of disease
    2. Whose health? How population groups vary (431KB PDF)
      • Key points
      1. Socioeconomically disadvantaged people
      2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
      3. People in rural and remote areas
      4. Prisoners
      5. Overseas-born people
      6. Australian Defence Force members and veterans
    3. Determinants: keys to prevention (500KB PDF)
      • Key points
      1. What are health determinants?
      2. Environmental factors
      3. Socioeconomic characteristics
      4. Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs
      5. Health behaviours
      6. Biomedical factors
    4. Diseases and injury (585KB PDF)
      • Key points
      1. Cancer
      2. Cardiovascular disease
      3. Diabetes
      4. Chronic kidney disease
      5. Chronic respiratory diseases
      6. Arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions
      7. Dementia
      8. Mental health problems and illnesses
      9. Oral health problems
      10. Injury
      11. Infectious diseases
    5. Health across the life stages (421KB PDF)
      • Key points
      1. How does health status vary with age?
      2. Mothers and babies
      3. Children and young people
      4. People aged 25-64 years
      5. Older people
    6. Health services (582KB PDF)
      • Key points
      1. Public health services
      2. Primary care and community health services
      3. Hospitals
      4. Specialised health services
      5. Use of medicines
      6. Medical indemnity claims
    7. Expenditure and workforce (501KB PDF)
      • Key points
      1. Health expenditure and health funding
      2. Health workforce
    8. Health system performance (345KB PDF)
      1. The National Health Performance Framework and indicators
      2. Overview of indicators by tier
      3. Conclusion
  • End matter (631KB PDF)
    • Statistical tables 
    • Methods and conventions
    • Abbreviations 
    • Glossary
    • Index