Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Title and verso title pages
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- South Australia
- New South Wales
- Tasmania
- Victoria
- Western Australia
- Queensland
- Northern Territory
- Abbreviations
- Symbols used in tables
- Technical notes
- Summary
- Main findings
- Notifications, investigations and substantiations
- Children on care and protection orders
- Children in out-of-home care
- Foster carers
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children
- Intensive family support services
- Main findings
- Body content
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 Child protection overview and processes
- Reports to the department
- Notifications, investigations and substantiations
- Care and protection orders
- Out-of-home care
- Family support services
- 1.2 Developments in child protection policies and practices
- Australian developments
- The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020
- Framework principles
- Framework governance
- Framework reporting
- The National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children 2009–2020
- International snapshot
- Australian developments
- 1.3 Child protection data collections
- Data sources
- Data limitations
- Key differences across state and territory collections
- Changes in data systems
- 1.4 Future directions for the national data collections
- Unit record file development
- Treatment and support services development
- 1.5 Structure of this report
- 1.1 Child protection overview and processes
- 2 Notifications, investigations and substantiations
- 2.1 Overview
- Scope
- Definitions
- Child protection notifications
- Investigations
- Substantiations of notifications
- Interpretation of the data
- 2.2 Numbers of notifications, investigations and substantiations
- Notifications and investigations
- Recent trends in notifications
- Outcomes of finalised investigations
- Source of notifications for finalised investigations
- Substantiations and type of abuse and neglect
- Substantiations of notifications
- Types of abuse or neglect
- Family type
- Notifications and investigations
- 2.3 Characteristics of children
- Number of children
- Rates by sex of child
- Rates by age of child
- Types of abuse and neglect
- Recent trends regarding children in substantiations
- 2.4 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
- Children in substantiations
- Types of abuse and neglect
- 2.1 Overview
- 3 Care and protection orders
- 3.1 Overview
- Scope
- Definitions
- Children who are in need of care and protection
- Types of care and protection orders
- Finalised guardianship or custody orders
- Finalised third-party parental responsibility
- Finalised supervisory orders
- Interim and temporary orders
- Administrative arrangements
- Interpretation of the data
- 3.2 Numbers of care and protection orders
- Orders issued
- 3.3 Characteristics of children on orders
- Children admitted to, and discharged from, orders
- Recent trends in children admitted to orders
- Types of orders
- Age and sex of children
- Living arrangements
- Recent trends regarding children on care and protection orders
- Children admitted to, and discharged from, orders
- 3.4 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
- Children on orders
- Types of orders
- 3.1 Overview
- 4 Out-of-home care
- 4.1 Overview
- Scope
- Definitions
- Types of placements
- Interpretation of the data
- 4.2 Characteristics of children in out-of-home care
- Children admitted to, and discharged from, out-of-home care
- Types of placement
- Age and sex of children
- Children on a care and protection order
- Length of time in continuous placement
- Recent trends regarding children in out-of-home care
- 4.3 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
- Children in out-of-home care
- The Aboriginal Child Placement Principle
- 4.1 Overview
- 5 Foster carers
- 5.1 Overview
- Scope and definitions
- Interpretation of the data
- 5.2 Foster carer households
- 5.1 Overview
- 6 Intensive family support services
- 6.1 Overview
- Scope
- Definitions
- 6.2 Children commencing intensive family support services
- 6.1 Overview
- 1 Introduction
- End matter
- Appendix 1: Detailed tables
- Notifications, investigations and substantiations
- Care and protection orders
- Out-of-home care
- Population data
- Appendix 2: Technical notes
- Calculation of rates
- Rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
- Identification of Indigenous status
- Children
- Caregivers
- Calculation of rates
- Appendix 3: Mandatory reporting requirements
- New South Wales
- Victoria
- Queensland
- Western Australia
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Australian Capital Territory
- Northern Territory
- Appendix 4: Legislation
- Child protection legislation
- Commonwealth
- New South Wales
- Victoria
- Queensland
- Western Australia
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Australian Capital Territory
- Northern Territory
- Legislative definition of ‘in need of care and protection’
- New South Wales
- Victoria
- Queensland
- Western Australia
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Australian Capital Territory
- Northern Territory
- Child protection legislation
- Appendix 5: Policy and practice differences in states and territories
- Notifications, investigations and substantiations
- Care and protection orders
- Finalised guardianship and custody orders
- Finalised third-party parental responsibility orders
- Finalised supervisory orders
- Interim and temporary orders
- Administrative arrangements
- Out-of-home care
- Out-of-home care and court orders
- Other state and territory differences
- Appendix 6: Recent state and territory policy changes
- New South Wales
- Victoria
- Queensland
- Western Australia
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Australian Capital Territory
- Northern Territory
- Appendix 7: Jurisdictions’ data systems
- Key differences between jurisdictions’ data systems
- Notifications, investigations and substantiations
- Abuse in care
- No suitable caregiver
- Notifications, investigations and substantiations
- Relevant changes in data systems
- New South Wales
- Victoria
- Queensland
- Western Australia
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Australian Capital Territory
- Key differences between jurisdictions’ data systems
- Appendix 8: Inquiries into child protection services
- Glossary
- General definitions
- Child protection and support services
- Indigenous status
- Indigenous
- Non-Indigenous
- Unknown
- Definitions for child protection notifications, investigations and substantiations
- Age of child
- Child protection notification
- Family of residence
- (a) Two parent—natural
- (b) Two parent—step or blended
- (c) Single parent—female
- (d) Single parent—male
- (e) Other relatives/kin
- (f) Foster care
- (g) Other
- (h) Not stated
- Investigation outcome
- (a) Finalised investigation
- Substantiated
- Not-Substantiated
- (b) Investigation closed—no outcome possible
- (c) Investigation in process
- (a) Finalised investigation
- Source of notification
- (a) Parent/guardian
- (b) Sibling
- (c) Other relative
- (d) Friend/neighbour
- (e) Medical practitioner
- (f) Other health personnel
- (g) Hospital/health centre personnel
- (h) Social worker/welfare worker/psychologist/other trained welfare worker
- (i) School personnel
- (j) Child care personnel
- (k) Police
- (l) Departmental officer
- (m) Non-government organisation
- (n) Anonymous
- (o) Other
- (p) Not stated
- Substantiation of a notification received during the year
- Type of abuse or neglect
- (a) Physical abuse
- (b) Sexual abuse
- (c) Emotional abuse
- (d) Neglect
- Type of action (for child protection notifications)
- (a) Investigation
- Investigations to be included in this data collection relate to notifications of a child aged less than 18 years of age made to an authorised department between 1 July 2009 and 30 June 2010, which were subsequently investigated.
- (b) Dealt with by other means
- This includes two sub-categories outlined below.
- (a) Investigation
- Definitions for care and protection orders
- Age of child
- Child subject to orders
- Types of care and protection orders
- Finalised guardianship or custody orders
- Involve the transfer of legal guardianship to the relevant state or territory department or non-government agency. These orders involve considerable intervention in the child’s life and that of their family, and are sought only as a last resort. Guard...
- Finalised third-party parental responsibility
- Transfer all duties, powers, responsibilities and authority parents are entitled to by law, to a nominated person(s) considered appropriate by the court. The nominated person may be an individual such as a relative or an officer of the state or territ...
- Finalised supervisory orders
- Give the department responsible for child protection some responsibility for a child’s welfare. Under these orders, the department supervises and/or directs the level and type of care that is to be provided to the child. Children under supervisory ord...
- Interim and temporary orders
- Generally cover the provisions of a limited period of supervision and/or placement of a child. Parental responsibility under these orders may reside with the parents or with the department responsible for child protection. Unfinalised orders (such as ...
- Administrative arrangements
- Agreements with the child protection departments, which have the same effect as a court order of transferring custody or guardianship. These arrangements can also allow a child to be placed in out-of-home care without going through the courts.
- Living arrangements
- (a) Residential care
- (b) Family group homes
- (c) Home-based out-of-home care
- (d) Family care—including:
- (i) parents—(natural or adoptive)
- (ii) relatives or kin who are NOT reimbursed (other than parents).
- (e) Independent living
- (f) Other living arrangements
- Definitions for out-of-home care
- Age of child
- Respite care
- Type of placement
- (a) Residential care
- (b) Family group homes
- (c) Home-based care
- (i) relative/kinship care–includes family members (other than parents) or a person well known to the child and/or family (based on a pre–existing relationship) who is reimbursed (or who has been offered but declined reimbursement) by the state/ territ...
- Definitions for foster carers
- Child
- Foster carer household
- Definitions for intensive family support services
- Age
- Agency
- Indigenous
- Intensive family support services
- Living situation
- (a) family care
- (i) child/ren living with parent(s)
- (ii) child/ren living with other relatives/kin who are not reimbursed by the state for their care.
- (a) family care
- Location
- Geographic area
- Type of service
- General definitions
- References
- List of tables
- List of figures
- Appendix 1: Detailed tables