
  • At 30 June 1991 there were 12,680 children under care and protection  orders-9,309 (73%) were under  guardianship orders and 3,371 (27%) were under  other orders for care and protection.
  • There were more boys (6,442) than girls (6,238) under care and protection orders in Australia, and this was the case in all States and Territories except Queensland and the Northem Territory.
  • There were almost equal numbers of boys and girls at each age under care and protection orders, except for 11 and 13 years when boys predominated, and 15 and 16 years when girls were in the majority. Mostly, the number  of children under guardianship orders increased  at each age, whereas for other orders there was a fairly even distribution across ages.
  • Seventy-six per cent of children under care and protection orders were placed in foster care (5,660) or were living with parents or relatiyes (4,060). Of those under guardianship orders, most were in foster care (54%), while most children under non-guardianship orders were living with parents or relatives (64%).
  • There were more discharges from guardianship orders than admissions to these orders (2,415 and 2,099 respectively excluding ACT) in Australia during  the year ended 30 June 1991.
  • Although  the numbers of children under care and protection orders in Australia fluctuated substantially in some States and Territories, the Australian  total has remained fairly constant since mid-1985.