Table of contents
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Abbreviations
- Symbols
- Chapter 1: Overview
- 1.1 Closing the Gap targets and progress
- 1.1.1 About the targets
- 1.1.2 Current picture and progress
- 1.2 Key drivers of change
- 1.3 Key themes across the targets
- 1.3.1 Social determinants are critical
- 1.3.2 Remoteness has a relatively large impact
- 1.3.3 Improved access to services is needed
- 1.3.4 Investment is needed across the lifecourse
- 1.3.5 Interactions between outcomes are important
- 1.3.6 Need more evidence on ‘what works’
- 1.4 Data limitations
- 1.5 Future target setting
- 1.6 References
- Chapter 2: Child mortality target
- Summary
- 2.1 Background
- 2.2 Current picture and progress
- 2.2.1 National data on child mortality
- 2.2.2 Child mortality by state and territory
- 2.2.3 Age of childhood death
- 2.2.4 Causes of death
- 2.3 Key drivers of child mortality
- 2.3.1 Evidence from the literature
- 2.3.2 Evidence from new AIHW analyses
- 2.4 Data limitations and measurement issues
- 2.4.1 Child deaths data
- 2.4.2 Population and births data
- 2.4.3 Cause of death classifications
- 2.4.4 Data on key determinants
- 2.5 Bringing it together
- 2.5.1 An overview
- 2.5.2 Examples of opportunities for further progress
- 2.6 References
- Chapter 3: Early childhood education target
- Summary
- 3.1 Background
- 3.2 Current picture and progress
- 3.2.1 National data on enrolment and attendance
- 3.2.2 Enrolment and attendance by state and territory
- 3.2.3 Attendance by remoteness
- 3.3 Key drivers of participation in ECE
- 3.3.1 Evidence from the literature
- 3.3.2 Evidence from AIHW analysis of the LSIC
- 3.4 Data limitations and measurement issues
- 3.4.1 Comparable enrolment and attendance rates
- 3.5 Bringing it together
- 3.5.1 An overview
- 3.5.2 Examples of opportunities for further progress
- 3.6 References
- Chapter 4: School attendance target
- Summary
- 4.1 Background
- 4.2 Current picture and progress
- 4.2.1 National data on school attendance
- 4.2.2 School attendance by state and territory
- 4.2.3 School attendance by remoteness
- 4.2.4 Patterns of student attendance
- 4.3 Key drivers of school attendance
- 4.3.1 Evidence from the literature
- 4.3.2 Evidence from new AIHW analysis
- 4.4 Data limitations and measurement issues
- 4.4.1 Reporting on days of attendance
- 4.4.2 Measuring student attendance rates
- 4.4.3 Measuring students achieving 90% or more attendance
- 4.4.4 Survey and longitudinal data sets
- 4.5 Bringing it together
- 4.5.1 An overview
- 4.5.2 Examples of opportunities for further progress
- 4.6 References
- Chapter 5: Literacy and numeracy target
- Summary
- 5.1 Background
- 5.2 Current picture and progress
- 5.2.1 National data on literacy and numeracy
- 5.2.2 Literacy and numeracy outcomes by state and territory
- 5.2.3 Literacy and numeracy outcomes by remoteness
- 5.2.4 Progress towards the literacy and numeracy target
- 5.2.5 Improvements in mean NAPLAN scores
- 5.3 Key drivers of literacy and numeracy
- 5.3.1 Conceptual framework on influences on child development
- 5.3.2 Drivers based on analysis of NAPLAN data
- 5.3.3 Drivers based on other literature
- 5.4 Data limitations and measurement issues
- 5.4.1 Use of the NMS
- 5.4.2 Participation in NAPLAN testing
- 5.5 Bringing it together
- 5.5.1 An overview
- 5.5.2 Examples of opportunities for further progress
- 5.6 References
- Chapter 6: Year 12 or equivalent attainment target
- Summary
- 6.1 Background
- 6.2 Current picture and progress
- 6.2.1 National data on Year 12 or equivalent attainment
- 6.2.2 Year 12 or equivalent attainment by geographic area
- 6.2.3 Patterns of Year 12 or equivalent attainment
- 6.3 Key drivers of Year 12 attainment
- 6.3.1 Evidence from literature
- 6.3.2 Evidence from new AIHW analysis of NATSISS data
- 6.4 Data limitations and measurement issues
- 6.4.1 Frequency of data
- 6.4.2 Census data (main data source)
- 6.4.3 Survey data (supplementary data source)
- 6.4.4 Apparent retention rates
- 6.4.5 Identifying drivers of Year 12 attainment
- 6.4.6 Administrative data on educational attainment
- 6.4.7 Components of Year 12 or equivalent attainment
- 6.5 Bringing it together
- 6.5.1 An overview
- 6.5.2 Examples of opportunities for further progress
- 6.6 References
- Chapter 7: Employment target
- Summary
- 7.1 Background
- 7.2 Current picture and progress
- 7.2.1 National data on employment
- 7.2.2 Patterns of employment
- 7.3 Key drivers of Indigenous employment
- 7.3.1 Key drivers in the literature
- 7.3.2 Evidence from new AIHW analysis
- 7.3.3 Trends in Indigenous employment drivers
- 7.4 Data limitations and measurement issues
- 7.4.1 Frequency of Indigenous employment data
- 7.4.2 Use of employment rates
- 7.5 Bringing it together
- 7.5.1 An overview
- 7.5.2 Examples of opportunities for further progress
- 7.6 References
- Chapter 8: Life expectancy target
- Summary
- 8.1 Background
- 8.2 Current picture and progress
- 8.2.1 National life expectancy
- 8.2.2 Life expectancy by jurisdiction and remoteness
- 8.2.3 Mortality patterns and trends
- 8.2.4 Fatal burden of disease
- 8.3 Key drivers of mortality and life expectancy
- 8.3.1 Social determinants and risk factors
- 8.3.2 Contribution of risk factors to the fatal burden
- 8.3.3 Health system interventions
- 8.4 Data limitations and measurement issues
- 8.4.1 Deaths and population data
- 8.4.2 Frequency of Indigenous life expectancy estimates
- 8.5 Bringing it together
- 8.5.1 An overview
- 8.5.2 Examples of opportunities for further progress
- 8.6 References
- Appendix A: Indigenous demographic context
- 2016 Census-based preliminary ERP
- 2016 Census counts
- 2011 Census-based ERP by remoteness
- Appendix B: Summary of COAG target data, by state and territory
- Appendix C: Technical information
- Analysis of contributions to the national gap
- Logistic regression analyses
- Relative importance of explanatory variables
- Measuring 'the gap'
- Appendix D: Additional data tables and figures
- Appendix E: Not fully engaged in employment, education or training
- Appendix F: Main data sources
- Australian Early Development Census
- ABS Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
- Census of Population and Housing
- Life tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians
- Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children
- National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey
- National Assessment Program—Literacy and Numeracy
- National Early Childhood Education and Care Collection
- National Mortality Database
- National Perinatal Data Collection
- National Student Attendance collection
- Survey of Education and Work
- Appendix references
- List of tables
- List of figures