
In 2015–16 average health expenditure per person for Indigenous Australians was estimated to be $8,949, which was 1.3 times the amount for non-Indigenous Australians ($6,657). Almost half of this spending was on hospital services ($4,436) followed by medical services ($1,332) and community health services ($998).

This report contains interactive data visualisations that present estimated health expenditure for Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians between 2010–11 and 2016–17. Indigenous health expenditure data was analysed based on spending areas and funding sources, to compare between states and territories and between remoteness levels. Expenditure data provided for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2020 are used in this web report, and some detailed analysis are presented for the 2015–16 reporting period. Data for all visualisations are also available in Excel data tables.