Report editions
Newer releases
Australia’s mothers and babies 2018—in brief
Publication |
Australia's mothers and babies 2017—in brief
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Australia's mothers and babies 2016—in brief
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Australia's mothers and babies 2015—in brief
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Australia's mothers and babies 2014—in brief
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Australia's mothers and babies 2013—in brief
Publication |
Australia's mothers and babies 2012
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Australia's mothers and babies 2011
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Australia's mothers and babies 2010
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Australia's mothers and babies 2009
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Australia's mothers and babies 2008
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Australia's mothers and babies 2007
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This release
Australia's mothers and babies 2006
Previous releases
Australia's mothers and babies 2005
Publication |
Australia's mothers and babies 2004
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Australia's mothers and babies 2003
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Australia's mothers and babies 2002
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Australia's mothers and babies 2001
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Australia's mothers and babies 2000
Publication |
Australia's mothers and babies 1999
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Australia's mothers and babies 1998
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Australia's mothers and babies 1997
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Australia's mothers and babies 1995
Publication |
Australia's mothers and babies 1996
Publication |
Australia's mothers and their babies 1994
Publication |
Australia's mothers and babies 1993
Publication |
Australia's mothers and their babies 1992
Publication |
Australia's mothers and babies 1991
Publication |