Table of contents
- Preliminary material (41K PDF)
- Half title page and verso
- Title page and verso
- Foreword
- Contents
- List of tables and figures
- Summary (separate 17K PDF)
- Acknowledgments
- Sections 1-8 (108K PDF)
- Introduction
- Aims
- Methods
- Sampling methods
- Recruitment methods
- Data elements
- The BEACH relational database
- Statistical methods
- Classification of data
- Quality assurance
- Validity and reliability
- The general practitioners
- Results of recruitment
- The participating GPs
- Comparison of participating and non-participating GPs
- Discussion
- Representativeness
- Comparison of BEACH GPs and the national GP population
- Sample weights
- Comparison of BEACH consultations and all GP consultations in Australia
- The weighted data set
- The encounters
- Overview of the data set.
- Encounter type
- The patients
- Patient characteristics
- Number of patient reasons for encounter
- Nature of patient reasons for encounter
- Significant changes over the years 1998-99, 1999-00 and 2000-01
- Problems managed
- Number of problems managed at encounter
- Nature of morbidity
- Changes in annual rates of problems managed over the years 1998-99, 1999-00 and 2000-01
- Overview of management
- Introduction
- Sections 9-16 (199K PDF)
- Medications
- Source of medications
- Prescribed medications
- Medications advised for over-the-counter purchase
- Medications supplied by general practitioners
- Changes in medication rates between 1998-99, 1999-00 and 2000-01
- Non-pharmacological management
- Clinical treatments
- Procedures
- Referrals and admissions
- Number of referrals and admissions
- Most frequent referrals
- Problems that were referred
- Changes in referral rates over time
- Investigations
- Pathology ordering
- Imaging ordering
- Other investigations ordered
- Patient risk factors
- Background
- Methods
- Body mass index
- Smoking
- Alcohol use
- Changes in patient health risk factors over the years 1998-99, 1999-00 and 2000-01
- Selected topics -- changes over time
- Method
- Anti-depressant medications and management of psychological problems over time
- Lipid-lowering agents and management of lipid disorders over time
- Asthma inhalant medications and the management of asthma problems over time
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and the management of arthritis and other musculoskeletal problems
- Discussion
- Overview of results
- Methodological issues
- Comparing BEACH data with those from other sources
- Conclusion
- Current status of BEACH
- Access to BEACH data
- Medications
- End matter (201K PDF)
- Bibliography
- Glossary
- Abbreviations
- Appendixes
- Example of a recording form
- GP characteristics questionnaire 2000-01
- Reasons for encounter and problems managed -- code groups from ICPC-2 and ICPC-2 PLUS
- Clinical treatment -- code groups from ICPC-2 PLUS
- Procedural treatment -- code groups from ICPC-2 PLUS
- Referrals -- code groups from ICPC-2 and ICPC-2 PLUS
- Pathology test orders -- code groups from ICPC-2 and ICPC-2 PLUS
- Imaging test orders -- Australian MBS groups and their ICPC-2 PLUS codes and terms
- Other investigations -- ICPC-2 PLUS codes and terms