Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Title and verso pages
- Contents
- List of tables
- Preface
- Sections
- Introduction
- Growth of outside school hours care services
- Description of outside school hours care services
- History
- Administrative statistics
- Funding and funding conditions
- Before/after school care and vacation care (year round care model)
- Vacation care services funded under the block grant arrangements
- Pilot Programs
- Summary
- Service quality
- Outside school hours care services in 1994
- Provision of before/after school hours care
- Links to vacation care
- Hours of operation
- Type of venue
- Fees
- Qualifications of staff
- Age of staff
- Services in the States and Territories
- New South Wales
- Victoria
- Queensland
- Western Australia
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Australian Capital Territory
- Northern Territory
- Conclusion
- End matter
- Appendixes
- Commonwealth strategies to increase the numbers of child care places 1972-1994
- Counting rules for Commonwealth-funded year round care places
- Commonwealth and State/Territory funding arrangements
- Pilot Programs - alternative models of provision
- Licensing, regulation and standards for outside school hour services
- Centre-based child care and family day care - regulations/guidelines relating to school age children
- Federal Budget 1997-98
- Abbreviations
- References
- Appendixes