Table of contents
- Introduction (115KB PDF)
- AIHW Mission
- The Institute's Values
- Highlights from the AIHW Chair
- Sections
- Chapter 1 (132KB PDF)
- Organisation of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
- Chapter 2 (179KB PDF)
- Reporting framework
- Output Group 1: Specific services to the Minister and Parliament required under the AIHW Act
- Output Group 2: National leadership in health-related and welfare-related information and statistics
- Output Group 3: Collection and production of health-related and welfare-related information and statistics for governments, non-government and community organisations
- Reporting framework
- Chapter 1 (132KB PDF)
- End matter
- Appendix 1 Financial statements (3.08MB PDF)
- Independent audit report (152KB PDF)
- Statement by Directors (84KB PDF)
- Schedule of commitments (149KB PDF)
- Notes to and forming part of the financial statements
- Summary of significant accounting policies (669KB PDF)
- Adoption of Australian equivalents to international financial reporting standards from 2005-2006 (574KB PDF)
- Economic dependency (No.'s 3-7: 405KB PDF)
- Operating revenues
- Operating expenses
- Receivables
- Non-financial assets
- Provisions and payables (No.'s 8-16: 354KB PDF)
- Analysis of equity
- Cash flow reconciliation
- External financing arrangements
- Remuneration of Directors
- Related part disclosures
- Remuneration of Executive Officers
- Remuneration of Auditors
- Contingent liabilities and assets
- Financial instruments (No.'s 17-20: 561KB PDF)
- Appropriations
- Average staffing levels
- Reporting of Outcomes
- Appendix 2 Legislation (Appendix 2-14: 469KB PDF)
- Appendix 3 Ethics Committee Regulations
- Appendix 4 Other bodies carrying out Institute functions
- Appendix 5 Board members
- Appendix 6 Audit and finance committee members
- Appendix 7 Freedom of Information
- Appendix 8 Staffing
- Appendix 9 Unit heads
- Appendix 10 Publications 1 July 2004-30 June 2005
- Appendix 11 Participation in national committees as an information specialist
- Appendix 12 Activities funded by outside bodies for 2004-05 financial year
- Appendix 13 AIHW Charter of Corporate Governance
- Appendix 14 Abbreviations
- Appendix 1 Financial statements (3.08MB PDF)