Trichiasis screening coverage

Measure 2.4.2:  The estimated number, and proportion of Indigenous adults screened for trichiasis.

There are 3 separate charts for this measure showing trichiasis screening coverage in Indigenous communities, by various characteristics.

Trichiasis screening coverage in communities that screened, by age, 2019

This dual axis combined vertical bar chart and scatter plot presents number and percent screened for trichiasis in Indigenous communities, in 2019, by age group. The chart shows that 6,733 Indigenous Australians aged 15–39 (a rate of 27%) and 6,244 Indigenous adults aged 40 and over (a rate of 43%) were screened for trichiasis in at-risk communities.

Trichiasis screening coverage in communities that screened, Australians aged 40 and over, 2010 to 2019

This dual axis combined line graph scatter plot presents number and percent screened for trichiasis in Indigenous communities, in 2011 to 2019. The chart shows that the proportion of Indigenous adults aged 40 and over screened for trichiasis rose from 1,179 (9%) in 2011 to 8,270 (24%) in 2017 before dropping to 6,244 (43%) in 2019, in Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory, the jurisdictions that undertook screening.

Trichiasis screening coverage in communities that screened, Australians aged 40 and over, by jurisdiction, 2019

This dual axis combined vertical bar chart and scatter plot presents number and percent screened for trichiasis in Indigenous communities in Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory in 2019, for adults aged 40 and over. The proportion screened was highest in the Northern Territory, (4,962 adults, a rate of 57%) while the number screened was lowest in Queensland (146 adults, a rate of 31%) and the rate screened was lowest in Western Australia, (474 adults a rate of 14%).

  • In 2019, 6,733 Indigenous Australians aged 15–39 (27%) and 6,244 Indigenous adults aged 40 and over (43%) were screened for trichiasis in at-risk communities.
  • In 2019, the proportion of Indigenous adults aged 40 and over screened for trichiasis was highest in the Northern Territory (4,962 adults, a rate of 57%) and lowest in Western Australia (474 adults, a rate of 14%).
  • In jurisdictions that undertook screening, the proportion of Indigenous adults aged 40 and over screened for trichiasis rose from 1,179 (9%) in 2010 to 6,244 (43%) in 2019. The number of Indigenous adults aged 40 and over screened for trichiasis was highest in 2017 (8,270, 24%), while the proportion was highest in 2018 (7,993, 45%).