NHMRC Awards – a reminder how person-centred research can allow you to see the big picture
Professor Fiona Stanley AC, presented the first the NHMRC Fiona Stanley Synergy Grant Award to transfusion medicine specialist, Professor Erica Wood with the NMHRC CEO, Professor Anne Kelso AO. Source: NHMRC/photographer: Irene Dowdy.
The article was originally posted on LinkedIn by Barry Sandison, AIHW CEO.
Last week I attended the NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council) Research Excellence Awards and witnessed one of Australia’s most prominent medical researchers, Professor Fiona Stanley, AC, presenting her inaugural namesakes NHMRC Award, the Fiona Stanley Synergy Grant Award. The Award was given to Professor Erica Wood’s team at Monash University to use clinical registries and observational and interventional studies to describe how blood is used in Australia. As well as how its use can be improved to achieve better outcomes for patients, focussing on transfusion in major haemorrhage, blood cancers and critically ill patients, and the use of immunoglobulins.
Professor Stanley is widely known for her contributions to researching the causes of major childhood illnesses and has a close link to the Institute as she was the second Chairperson of the AIHW Board between 1992 and 1995.
Professor Stanley has a commitment to improving outcomes in maternal and child health through evidence based data and research. Not surprisingly, this again closely aligns with the Institute’s fundamental role in improving the evidence base using “people data”.
It was great to attend the Awards and it reinforced for me the fact that we will have supported numerous NMHRC projects over the years through our role in enhancing the evidence base through our data work.
Congratulations to the NHMRC for last week’s recognition of the work of some amazing Australian researchers and congratulations again to Professor Stanley for the recognition given her through this new Award.