The article was originally posted on LinkedIn by Louise York, Group Head, Community Services Group.
This week is #NationalChildrensWeek – a time to celebrate the right of children to enjoy childhood, and demonstrate their talents, skills and abilities.
The theme for 2020 is based on UNCRC Article 15 – children have the right to meet together and join groups and organisations as long as it does not stop other people from enjoying their rights. In exercising their rights, children have the responsibility to respect the rights, freedom and reputations of others.
While many of our children are faring well, there is scope for further gains in some areas and among some population groups, including for children living in lower socioeconomic areas, children with disability and children in contact with the child protection system.
Children’s Week is a great opportunity to join the conversation about how governments and communities can work side by side to keep children happy and healthy.
Find out more in the AIHW’s compendium on Australia's children, released last year.