Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Title and verso pages
- Contents
- Abbreviations
- Summary
- Body section
- Introduction
- 1.1 Background and hypotheses
- Residential respite care
- Study hypotheses
- 1.2 Data
- Study groups
- 1.3 Methods
- Cross tabulations
- Logistic regression modelling
- The models
- 1.4 Structure of report
- 1.1 Background and hypotheses
- Profile of study groups
- 2.1 Locality
- 2.2 Age and sex
- 2.3 Health conditions
- 2.4 Client care needs
- Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL)
- Activities of daily living (ADL)
- 2.5 Care
- Carer availability
- Sources of care
- 2.6 Time to death
- Use of residential respite care
- 3.1 Time to take-up
- Possible reasons for the low usage rate for those with carers
- 3.2 Length of stay
- 3.3 Program use after reference assessment
- Movement from residential respite care to permanent residential care
- 3.1 Time to take-up
- Factors affecting take-up of residential respite care
- 4.1 Take-up among people recommended to live in the community (Group 1)
- Results
- Conclusions
- 4.2 Take-up among people recommended to live in residential care (Group 2)
- Results
- Conclusions
- 4.1 Take-up among people recommended to live in the community (Group 1)
- Factors affecting admission into permanent residential care
- 5.1 Analysis
- Results
- Conclusions
- 5.1 Analysis
- Introduction
- End matter
- Appendix A: Logistic regression models and results
- A.1 The model
- Testing model assumptions
- Model checking
- A.2 Predicted probabilities
- A.3 Odds ratios
- A.4 Model 1: factors affecting take-up of residential respite care recommended to live in the community
- A.5 Model 2: factors affecting take-up of residential respite care recommended to live in residential care
- A.6 Model 3: factors affecting admission into permanent residential care
- A.1 The model
- References
- List of tables
- List of boxes
- Appendix A: Logistic regression models and results