Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Half title and verso pages
- Title and verso pages
- Contents
- List of tables
- List of figures
- Acknowledgments
- Abbreviations
- Sections
- Introduction
- Why do we need a national collection?
- Brief history of the national collection
- Roles and responsibilities
- Scope of the AODTS-NMDS
- Which agencies?
- Which clients?
- Which activities?
- What's new for 2006-07?
- Treatment episodes reported by all jurisdictions
- Changes to existing data elements-summary
- The data elements-in brief
- Establishment-level data elements
- Episode (client-level) data elements
- Supporting data element concepts
- Collection procedures and data quality
- Collation of the national data set
- Data transfer
- Data quality
- AIHW validation checks
- Privacy and confidentiality of data
- Privacy-an introduction
- Privacy and the AIHW
- Data release guidelines for the Alcohol and Other Drug Treatment Services NMDS
- Purpose
- Background
- Summary of unpublished data access options
- Requests to AIHW for summarised national data
- Requests to AIHW for access to unit record data in the national database
- AIHW charging policy for ad hoc information services
- Requests to states and territories for summarised or unit record data
- Other alcohol and other drug data
- References
- Introduction
- End matter
- Appendixes
- IGCD AODTS-NMDS Working Group contact list
- Data definition-NHDD extracts
- Data element changes
- Mapping of Australian Standard Classification of Languages (ASCL)
- Notes on Australian Bureau of Statistics classifications
- Extracts and information about the Privacy Act 1998
- Appendixes