Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Title page and verso
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Acronyms
- Summary
- Sections
- Introduction
- Background
- Development of a nationally consistent data set for NSPs
- Scope and limitations
- Deliverables
- Timelines
- Report structure
- Methodology
- Data development principles
- Project stages
- Establishing the Data Working Group
- Site visits
- Selection of candidate data items
- Development of data specifications in METeOR
- Development of the reporting instrument
- Pilot testing of the reporting instrument
- The needle and syringe program data dictionary
- List of data elements in the NSP data dictionary
- The needle and syringe program reporting instrument
- Lessons learnt and recommendations
- Lessons learnt
- Clarity of performance information required
- Relevance of performance information required
- Recommendations
- That the NSP Working group undertake a review of the current COAG Illicit Drug Diversion Initiative NSP supporting measures for current relevance with a view to possible enhancements
- That sufficient time be given to states and territories to make the necessary process and system changes required to enable implementation of the NSP data set across all NSP outlets in their jurisdictions
- That the NSP Working Group investigate opportunities to incrementally expand the NSP data set to include other data considered relevant for current NSP service delivery
- That a study of national reporting of NSP client data be undertaken by the NSP Working Group to determine the feasibility of developing a nationally consistent NSP client data set
- Lessons learnt
- Introduction
- End matter
- Appendix 1: Supporting measures as specified in the 2003-2004 Federal Budget document
- Appendix 2: List of Needle and Syringe Program Working Group members
- References
- List of figures