What's next?
This web report is the initial stage of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare's (AIHW) Refugee and Humanitarian Entrant Health project funded by the Department of Home Affairs. For information on this project see Culturally and linguistically diverse peoples – Refugee and humanitarian entrant health.
As part of this initial stage further analysis is being undertaken to report on immunisation rates using the PLIDA (person-level integrated data asset) data (formerly known as MADIP).
In the second stage of this project, the AIHW is developing a new data set by linking permanent migrants' data from the Department of Home Affairs' Settlement Database with health and welfare data sets held by the AIHW. This stage will include data from hospital admissions, emergency department presentations and specialist homelessness services.
Data from the linked data set will be analysed to report on additional health outcomes such as reasons for hospitalisations, causes of injury and primary care type emergency department presentations. The use of homelessness services in the refugee and humanitarian population will also be investigated using this linked data set. It is anticipated that the results from this stage will provide further insights into the patterns of health service utilisation and the health concerns of the population that were not explored in the initial stage.