

1 November 2023 


  • On page 23, in Table 3.2, data in the Physical abuse column have been revised.
  • On page 40, the proportion of children on orders who were under 5 living in family care, third-party parental care, or home-based care was changed from 69% to 96% to correct a typographical error.
  • On page 81, in-text references to the supplementary tables were corrected and text relating to the proportion of children who achieved a finalised care and protection order within 12 months was updated.

Data tables:

  • Data in Table 3.2 was corrected.
  • Minor corrections were made to the titles for data tables 5.2, S6.11 and T3.
  • An additional footnote was added to data table S5.8 relating to New South Wales disability data.
  • An additional footnote was added to data table T3 indicating that the totals include unknowns.