Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Title page and verso
- Contents
- Lists of tables and figures
- Preface
- Part 1: Report commissioned by National Child Protection and Support Services data group on 'Comparability of child protection data'
- Executive summary
- Child protection
- Care and protection orders
- Options to improve comparability
- Summary of recommendations
- Chapters
- Introduction
- Methodology
- Structure of the report
- Overview
- Child protection - the problem of definition
- Child protection - a social construction
- The impact of differences in categorisation
- Child protection processes in Australia
- Notification
- Child concern reports
- Investigation
- Substantiation
- Types of abuse and neglect.
- Care and protection orders
- Counting rules
- Rates for care and protection orders
- Strategies to enhance comparability
- Overview
- Generic reporting format
- Enhancing the collection
- Other strategies to enhance comparability
- Information on services
- Barriers to comparability
- Legislative and policy changes
- Summary and conclusions
- Comparability of child protection data
- Comparability of care and protection orders data
- Options to improve comparability
- Introduction
- End matter
- Appendixes
- Appendix 1: Child protection processes in States and Territories
- Appendix 2: Definitions of abuse and neglect
- Appendix 3: Types of care and protection orders
- Appendix 4: State and Territory consultations
- Appendix 5: Additional tables
- References
- Appendixes
- Part 2: NCPASS recommendations accepted by NCSIMG