Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Preface
- Executive summary
- Outline of the report
- Recommendations
- Body section
- 1 Description of project
- CP Census
- ABS Child Care Survey
- South Australian data collection
- Victorian data collection
- Other data collections
- Structure of the report
- 2 Identification of organisational units
- 2.1 Proposed definitions
- 3 Scope of collections
- 3.1 Population of service providers included
- 3.2 Child population included
- 3.3 Worker population included
- 4 Definitions: service types and school
- 4.1 Formal services and informal care
- 4.2 School
- 4.3 Preschool
- 4.4 Long day care
- 4.5 Long day care centres
- 4.6 Family day care services
- 4.7 Occasional care services
- 4.8 Outside school hours care services (before/after school care and vacation care)
- 4.9 Other service types
- 5 Data items: population-based characteristics
- 5.1 Age of child
- 5.2 Age of worker
- 5.3 Sex of child
- 5.4 Sex of worker
- 5.5 Children/parents with a disability
- 5.6 Child referred because at risk of abuse and neglect
- 5.7 Child's Indigenous status
- 5.8 Worker's Indigenous status
- 5.9 Child's cultural background
- 5.10 Worker's cultural background
- 5.11 Family type
- 5.12 Parent's labour force status
- 5.13 Family Income
- 5.14 Geographic location: service provider and child
- 6 Data items: other characteristics of children and families
- 6.1 Child's school attendance
- 6.2 Child's use of other children's services
- 6.3 Receipt of fee relief
- 6.4 Time spent in care/attendance
- 7 Data items: other characteristics of workers
- 7.1 Employment status
- 7.2 Type of work performed/job description
- 7.3 Hours worked
- 7.4 Qualifications
- 7.5 In-service training
- 8 Data items: characteristics of service providers
- 8.1 Availability of service (time)
- 8.2 Number of places/places by age
- 8.3 Utilisation/vacancies
- 8.4 Sponsor
- 8.5 Type of service delivery setting
- 8.6 Linkages with other service types
- 8.7 Fees charged
- End matter
- Abbreviations
- References