PDF table of contents

Preliminary material: Acknowledgments; Abbreviations


Chronic kidney disease at a glance

  1. Introduction

    • Purpose
    • Background
  2. Prevalence and incidence of CKD

    • Stage of CKD
    • End-stage kidney disease
  3. Risk factors for CKD

  4. Health service use for CKD

    • Visits to general practitioners
    • Hospitalisations
    • Ongoing treatment of CKD
  5. CKD mortality

  6. CKD in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

  7. Impact of CKD

    • Quality of life
    • Health expenditure
    • Burden of disease
  8. Conclusions and considerations


  1. Data sources
  2. Statistical methods

End matter: Glossary; References; List of tables, figures and boxes