About us

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) is an independent corporate Commonwealth entity, established under section 4 of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Act 1987.

We have built our reputation over 30 years in collecting health and welfare data and turning it into authoritative evidence to support better policy and service delivery decisions by government agencies, researchers, policymakers and the community.

During this period, we have earned the respect and trust of our stakeholders as an independent and reliable information management agency that has well established and robust data governance arrangements, a rigorous privacy regime and strict confidentiality protocols.

To build on the achievements of our previous strategic directions for 2017–2022 we have refocused our goals for the next five years.

Our Strategic directions 2022–2026 sets the foundation for the future of the AIHW. It articulates our Vision, confirms our sharpened Purpose, affirms our core Values and highlights our Strategic Goals that will guide our work. As such, our Strategic directions 2022–2026 will be central to our Portfolio Budget Statements, Corporate Plans, Priority Actions, Risk Management Frameworks and Annual reports. It will also be the focus of staff Performance Development Agreements.  

Strategic framework

Our vision

Stronger evidence, better decisions, improved health and welfare.

Our purpose

We produce high quality data sets and analysis to support improvements in health and welfare.

Our values

We produce high quality data sets and analysis to support improvements in health and welfare.


We are open and accountable to the Australian community under the law and within the framework of Ministerial responsibility.


We respect all people, including their rights and their heritage.


We demonstrate leadership, are trustworthy and act with integrity in all that we do.


We are apolitical and provide the Government with advice that is frank, honest, timely and based on the best available evidence.

Committed to service

We are professional, objective, innovative and efficient, and work collaboratively to achieve the best results for the Australian community and the Government.

Our strategic goals

We have developed four key strategic goals that will shape our direction for the next five years. Each of our strategic goals is underpinned by specific objectives – the key areas of focus we will pursue to achieve each goal.

We will be:

Goal 1
A trusted leader in health and welfare data and analysis

Goal 2
Innovative producers of data sets and analysis

Goal 3
A strong strategic partner

Goal 4
Recognised for our organisational excellence