
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare Annual report 2019–20 was tabled in Parliament on 29 October 2020.

This report describes our performance from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 in accord with objectives outlined in our Corporate plan 2019–20 to 2022–23 and measures in the 2019–20 Health Portfolio Budget Statements.

It outlines what the AIHW has undertaken in 2019–20, presents financial statements, discusses our staffing profile and identifies plans to meet the challenges in the year ahead.

$86.7 million revenue
15 out of 20 performance indicators met
172 products released
256 custom data requests and 82 data linkages
68 ethic applications for data
9 new data assets added and 165 data assets
5,046 media mentions
21,160 Twitter followers
4.4 million web visits