Hospital care

This report presents information on Emergency Department presentations (referred to as ED visits) among people living with dementia, from the National Non-Admitted Patient Emergency Department Care Database:

  • total ED visits
  • ED visits for Nervous system diseases and other common conditions (Injury, Respiratory diseases and Circulatory diseases).

People living in regional and remote areas were more likely to have a lower urgency triage category than people in Major cities.

This report also presents information on admitted patient care stays (referred to as hospital stays) among people living with dementia, from the National Hospital Morbidity Database:

  • total hospital stays
  • hospital stays for Dementia and delirium and other common conditions (Injury, Respiratory diseases and Circulatory diseases) (AIHW 2023).

A person can have more than one ‘episode’ during a single stay in hospital, such as an acute episode followed by a rehabilitation episode. For this analysis, concurrent episodes for the same person were combined into a single hospital stay – see the Technical guide for more information. 

Only public hospital data were included in this analysis: some of the observed variation may be due to the availability and use of private hospitals.


AIHW (2023) Transitions to residential aged care after hospital for people living with dementia, AIHW, Australian Government, accessed 18 October 2023.