
In 2013–14, an estimated 321,531 people used disability support services under the National Disability Agreement (NDA)-a 9% increase since 2009-10, and a 3% increase since 2012–13.

Of those who used NDA services in 2013–14:

  • 44% used community support services, 41% used employment services, 18% used community access services, 14% used accommodation  support services, and 12% used respite services
  • around three-quarters  (74%) were aged under 50, with an average age of 34
  • most (59%) were male
  • majority (87%) were Australian-born
  • 6% were Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

  • more than half (55%) had an intellectual or learning disability (44% as their primary disability)
  • many needed at least some assistance with activities of daily living (68%), activities of independent living (82%), and activities of work, education and community living (86%)
  • more than half (54%) lived with their families
  • close to one-third (32%) of those aged 15 and over were not in the labour force
  • 70% of those aged 15 and over who were in the labour force were unemployed
  • an estimated 4,200 transitioned to the National Disability Insurance Scheme during the year.