Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Title and verso pages
- Contents
- Body section
- Introduction
- How many hospitals are there?
- How many beds are there?
- Hospital performance: accreditation
- How diverse are public hospitals?
- How many people are employed in Australia's hospitals?
- How much do hospitals spend?
- How are our hospital services funded?
- What services do Australia's hospitals provide?
- Emergency department services
- Hospital performance: emergency department waiting times
- Outpatient care
- Admitted patient care: overview
- Hospital performance: rates of service—hospital procedures
- Hospital performance: readmissions following surgery
- Hospital performance: falls resulting in patient harm in hospitals
- Hospital performance: intentional self-harm in hospitals
- Hospital performance: relative stay index
- Hospital performance: average length of stay for selected types of separations
- Hospital performance: cost per casemix-adjusted separation
- Admitted patient care: same-day acute care
- Admitted patient care: overnight acute care
- Admitted patient care: elective surgery
- Hospital performance: waiting times for elective surgery
- Admitted patient care: sub-acute and non-acute care
- Emergency department services
- End matter
- Additional information
- References