Table of contents

  • Preliminary material
    • Title and verso pages
    • Contents
    • Preface
    • Executive Summary
  • Body section
    1. Definition of homelessness 
    2. Overcounting and undercounting 
      1. Improvised homes, tents and sleepers out
      2. SAAP Services
      3. Friends and relatives
      4. Boarding houses
      5. Conclusion
    3. Social characteristics 
      1. How many?
      2. Accommodation on census night
      3. Age distribution
      4. Males and females
      5. Indigenous and non-Indigenous
      6. Summary
    4. Melbourne 
      1. Numbers and rates
      2. Geographical categories (107KB PDF)
      3. Overview: Victoria
      4. Melbourne (23MB PDF including maps)
      5. Marginal residents of caravan parks
    5. Western Victoria (122KB PDF)
      1. Overview
      2. Urban
      3. Rural
      4. Marginal residents of caravan parks
    6. Eastern Victoria (111KB PDF)
      1. Overview
      2. Eastern Victoria
      3. Marginal residents of caravan parks
    7. Northern Victoria (125KB PDF)
      1. Overview
      2. Urban
      3. Rural
      4. Marginal residents of caravan parks
    8. Indigenous and non-Indigenous 
    9. Discussion 
      1. Homeless statistics
      2. Reducing homelessness: overview
      3. Rough sleepers
      4. Young people
      5. Families
      6. Adults without children
      7. Conclusion
  • End matter 
    • References
    • Appendixes
      1. Number of homeless people in Victoria by statistical division and subdivision, 2006
      2. Estimated number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous homeless people by statistical division and selected subdivisions, 2006*
      3. Percentage of homeless people by statistical division and subdivision, 2006
      4. Percentage of homeless people and marginal caravan park residents by statistical division and subdivision, 2006