Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Title and verso pages
- Contents
- Preface
- Executive Summary
- Body section
- Introduction
- Definition of homelessness
- Overcounting and undercounting
- Improvised homes, tents and sleepers out
- SAAP Services
- Friends and relatives
- Boarding houses
- Conclusion
- Social characteristics
- How many?
- Accommodation on census night
- Age distribution
- Males and females
- Indigenous and non-Indigenous
- Summary
- Melbourne
- Numbers and rates
- Geographical categories (107KB PDF)
- Overview: Victoria
- Melbourne (23MB PDF including maps)
- Marginal residents of caravan parks
- Western Victoria (122KB PDF)
- Overview
- Urban
- Rural
- Marginal residents of caravan parks
- Eastern Victoria (111KB PDF)
- Overview
- Eastern Victoria
- Marginal residents of caravan parks
- Northern Victoria (125KB PDF)
- Overview
- Urban
- Rural
- Marginal residents of caravan parks
- Indigenous and non-Indigenous
- Discussion
- Homeless statistics
- Reducing homelessness: overview
- Rough sleepers
- Young people
- Families
- Adults without children
- Conclusion
- End matter
- References
- Appendixes
- Number of homeless people in Victoria by statistical division and subdivision, 2006
- Estimated number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous homeless people by statistical division and selected subdivisions, 2006*
- Percentage of homeless people by statistical division and subdivision, 2006
- Percentage of homeless people and marginal caravan park residents by statistical division and subdivision, 2006