Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Title page and verso
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Sections
- Introduction
- Background
- Changes to the 2003 - 04 data collection
- Modified data items
- Clarified counting rules
- Data definitions
- Changes to the 2003 - 04 data collection
- General notes
- Symbols
- Scope
- Coverage
- Data qualifications
- Terminology used
- CSHA 2003 - 04 public housing data
- Summary data
- Performance indicators
- P1 Amenity/location
- P2 Affordability
- P3 Match of dwelling to household size
- P4 Low-income
- P5 Special needs
- P6 Priority access to those in greatest need
- P7 Customer satisfaction
- P8 Direct costs per unit
- P9 Occupancy rates
- P10 Turnaround time
- P11 Rent arrears
- National data
- End matter
- Appendix 1: P1 and P7 results for 2000
- References