
  • Respondents to the 2010 National Social Housing Survey (NSHS) were more likely to be female and be older when compared to the general public housing and community housing population.
  • For households surveyed, unemployment rate is six times that seen for the general population.
  • Educational outcomes for households surveyed, for both post-school and tertiary qualification, were lower than those seen in the general population.
  • The majority (around 89%) of public housing and community housing survey respondents were either ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with living in public housing or community housing.
  • There were only minor changes between the 2007 and 2010 NSHS in the levels of overall satisfaction with those services provided either by (or through) the relevant government department (for public housing) or housing organisation (for community housing).
  • Most respondents indicated that the amenity and location of their housing met the needs of their household. These respondents also recorded experiencing ‘benefits’ from living in social housing—around 90% felt more settled and over two-thirds felt they enjoyed better health.
  • These findings are particularly noteworthy given that social housing is typically targeted at groups such as low income earners, those who were previously homeless and people who are otherwise disadvantaged in the housing market.