PDF table of contents
Preliminary material: List of tables; List of figures and boxes; Executive summary; Acknowledgements
- Comparing the ACT with other States and Territories
- This report
- The broader context
Aged care
- Potential need for services
- Age profile of people in residential aged care
- Provision of places
- Profile of residential aged care services
- Home and Community Care Services
- Summary and conclusions
Disability services
- Potential need for services
- CSDA-funded services
- Unmet need
- Expenditure
- Other services used by people with disabilities
- Disability and ageing
- Summary and conclusions
- Potential need for services
- Housing in the ACT
- ACT home owners
- Private renters
- CSHA Public housing program
- CSHA community housing program
- Summary and conclusions
- Potential need for services
- Profile of SAAP-funded services and service users
- SAAP service provision and referral
- One-off assistance provided by SAAP agencies
- Unmet demand for SAAP services
- Summary and conclusions
Alcohol and other drug treatment services
- Potential need for services
- ACT treatment providers
- Client profile
- Summary and conclusions
Mental health services
- Potential need for services
- Ambulatory mental health care services
- Community residential and admitted patient mental health care services
- Labour force and expenditure patterns
- Summary and conclusions
End matter:
- Appendix 1: Demographic data
- Appendix 2: Glossary of terms
- References