What we know
- Tobacco use is a major preventable contributor to the gap in life expectancy between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.
What works
- Health professionals providing brief advice on how to quit, when delivered with pharmacotherapy such as nicotine replacement.
- Training health professionals to deliver cessation advice.
- Quit groups.
- Well-delivered multicomponent anti-tobacco programs.
What we don’t know
- There is good evidence that the following interventions work for the general Australian community, but there is a lack of research showing their effectiveness for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people or communities:
- brief interventions such as advice from health-care professionals
- varenicline (a nicotine receptor partial agonist)
- bupropion (an antidepressant)
- interventions for pregnant women
- specialist tobacco workers
- quitlines
- hospital cessation programs
- media campaigns
- price increases and taxation
- Some interventions evaluated in other populations have not demonstrated an effect in reducing the harm resulting from tobacco, for example, school-based anti-tobacco programs and sports sponsorship programs.
- Broader initiatives such as raising standards of living, and improving educational and employment opportunities, are also critical to reducing the harm resulting from tobacco use.
Tobacco use by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia
- Life expectancy
- Prevalence of tobacco use
- Why do a high proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people smoke?
- The effectiveness of current responses
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