Appendix C – Key reporting indicators

2020 rheumatic heart disease guidelines – key reporting indicators

DiagnosisIndicatorData availability (yes/no)
ARFYearly ARF incidence by episode type, age group, sex and EthnicitYes
Yearly ARF recurrences
  1. (a) as a proportion of all ARF episodes
  2. (b) rate per 100 patient-years for patients prescribed BPG (both oral and BPG)
Rheumatic heart diseaseYearly RHD point prevalence by age group, sex, ethnicity, severityYes
Secondary prophylaxisProportion of people receiving secondary prophylaxis each year
  1. (a) 80-100% of doses
  2. (b) 40-79% of doses
  3. (c) <40% of doses

Source: RHDAustralia (ARF/RHD writing group) 2020

Potential indicators from the RHD Endgame Strategy

 DiagnosisIndicatorData availability (yes/no)
Primary preventionProportion of sore throat and skin sore infections in children assessed and treated by a trained healthcare professional.No
ARFNumber and rate of new cases of (definite) ARF notified per time period – by age and sex, Indigenous category, region of onset.Yes
Proportion of ARF episodes which are recurrence.Yes
Number and proportion of patients with ARF recurrence.Yes
Number of deaths recorded with ARF as a cause (either underlying cause or associated cause of death)No
RHDNumber and rate of incident cases of RHD, by age and sex, Indigenous category, valve involved. Severity of RHD at time of diagnosis.Yes, except valve involvement.
What proportion of people with mild RHD remain mild over 12-month period.No
Secondary prophylaxisNumber of people indicated to receive secondary prophylaxis by age, sex and Indigenous category. Proportion of patients who received 100%, >80%, 50-79%, and less than 40% of doses in 12-month period.Yes
InterventionProvision of echos to Priority 1,2 and 3 as per current Australian GuidelineNo
MortalityNumber of maternal deaths coded (or attributed, or coronial investigations) associated with RHD.No
Number of deaths recorded with RHD as a cause, underlying cause or associated cause of death.No

Source: Wyber, Noonan & 2020