Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Title and verso pages
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Body section
- Abbreviations
- Summary
- Key findings
- Body section
- 1 Introduction
- 1.1 Ear health of Indigenous children
- 1.2 The impact of ear health on children's development
- 1.3 Challenges in managing otitis media in the NT Indigenous communities
- 1.4 About this report
- Information collected
- Limitations of data
- Structure of report
- 2 Service delivery: Audiology
- 2.1 Audiology data collection
- 2.2 Follow-up care for children who received a CHC audiology referral
- 2.3 Total services provided
- 2.4 Demographic characteristics of children who received audiology services
- 2.5 Further action required
- 2.6 Subsequent audiology services
- 2.7 Further need for audiology services
- 3 Service delivery: ENT
- 3.1 Information collected
- 3.2 ENT follow-up care for children with an ENT referral from their CHC
- 3.3 Total services provided
- 3.4 Demographic characteristics of children
- 3.5 Type of ENT consultation
- 3.6 Results of ENT consultations
- Type of treatment given during ENT consultations
- Further action required
- 3.7 Subsequent ENT consultation
- 3.8 ENT Surgery and procedures
- Time elapsed between surgery recommendation and operation
- Follow-up care after ENT surgery
- 3.9 Further need for ENT services
- 4 Ear and hearing health status of children receiving ENT and audiology services
- 4.1 Prevalence of middle ear conditions
- 4.2 Hearing status and hearing impairment
- 4.2.1 Methods of audiological assessment
- 4.2.2 Hearing status and hearing impairment of children
- 4.2.3 Hearing status and hearing impairment by ear disease
- 4.3 Other studies of hearing loss in Indigenous children
- 4.4 Changes in hearing loss, hearing impairment and middle ear condition over time
- 4.4.1 Prevalence of middle ear conditions
- 4.4.2 Hearing loss and hearing impairment
- 1 Introduction
- End matter
- Appendix 1: Audiology and ENT data collection forms
- Glossary of audiology data terms
- References
- List of tables
- List of figures