Key findings
This report presents the latest data on the health and welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as well as information about their socioeconomic circumstances. Wherever possible, data are provided on changes in the circumstances of Indigenous people over time, as well as on the differences between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. While most information is presented at the national level, some data are also presented for states and territories, and by remoteness.
Preliminary material (163KB PDF) list of tables and graphics; Preface; Acknowledgements;
Sections (chapters 1-3: 680KB PDF; chapters 4-6: 572KB PDF; chapters 7-9: 654KB PDF; chapters 10-12: 585KB PDF)
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Demographic, social and economic context
Chapter 3 - Education and health
Chapter 4 - Housing circumstances
Chapter 5 - Disability and carers
Chapter 6 - Mothers and children
Chapter 7 - Health status
Chapter 8 - Health risk factors
Chapter 9 - Mortality
Chapter 10 - Health services - provision, access and use
Chapter 11 - Community services
Chapter 12 - Torres strait islander peoples
Appendix - 2006 Census questions on core activity need for assistance and unpaid assistance to a person with a disability
End matter (260KB PDF) Main data sources; Abbreviations; Glossary; List of references