PDF report table of contents
Preliminary material: Acknowledgements; Abbreviations
Australia's males at a glance
- Socioeconomic characteristics
- Demographic characteristics
- Age distribution
What lifestyle factors influence male health?
- Health literacy
- Sexual risk behaviours
- Violence
- Illicit drug use
- Alcohol consumption
- Smoking
- Excess body weight
- Physical activity
- Participation in sport and physical activity
- 'Sufficient' physical activity
- Fruit and vegetable intake
What is the health status of Australia's males?
- Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy
- Mortality
- Burden of disease
- Self-assessed health status
- Long-term conditions
- Cancer
- Mental health
- Disability
- Male reproductive and sexual health
- Workplace injury and fatalities
What health services do Australia's males access?
- Barriers to accessing health services
- Preventive health
- Use of Medicare
- General practice
- Admitted patient care
- Emergency department services
- Mental health services
- Alcohol and other drug treatment services
End matter: References