Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Title and verso pages
- Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Abbreviations
- Symbols
- Summary
- Body section
- Introduction
- 1.1 Background—general practice in Australia
- Methods
- 2.1 Sampling methods
- 2.2 Recruitment methods
- 2.3 Data elements
- 2.4 The BEACH relational database
- 2.5 Supplementary Analysis of Nominated Data
- 2.6 Statistical methods
- 2.7 Changes over time
- 2.8 Extrapolated national estimates
- 2.9 Changes to data elements and reporting methods
- 2.10 Classification of data
- 2.11 Quality assurance
- 2.12 Validity and reliability
- The sample
- The participating GPs
- The encounters
- 5.1 Content of the encounters
- The patients
- 6.1 Age–sex distribution of patients at encounter
- 6.2 Other patient characteristics
- 6.3 Patient reasons for encounter
- Problems managed
- 7.1 Number of problems managed
- 7.2 Distribution of problems managed by ICPC-2 component
- 7.3 Problems managed by ICPC-2 chapter and individual problems managed
- 7.4 Most common new problems
- 7.5 Most frequently managed chronic problems
- Overview of management
- Medications
- 9.1 Prescribed medications
- 9.2 Medications supplied by GPs
- 9.3 Medications advised for over-the-counter purchase
- Other treatments
- 10.1 Clinical treatments
- 10.2 Procedures
- Referrals and admissions
- Investigations
- 12.1 Number of problems or encounters where pathology or imaging was ordered
- 12.2 Pathology test orders by MBS groups
- 12.3 Imaging test orders by MBS group
- Practice nurse activity
- 13.1 Overview of practice nurse activity
- 13.2 Distribution of practice nurse item numbers claimed at encounters
- 13.3 Treatments provided by practice nurses
- 13.4 Problems managed with practice nurse
- Patient risk factors
- 14.1 Body mass index
- 14.2 Smoking
- 14.3 Alcohol consumption
- Introduction
- End matter
- Appendices
- Appendix 1: Example of a 2009–10 recording form
- Appendix 2: GP characteristics questionnaire,2009–10
- Appendix 3: Dissemination of results from the BEACH program
- Appendix 4: Code groups from ICPC-2 and ICPC-2 PLUS
- Appendix 5: Chronic code groups from ICPC-2 and ICPC-2 PLUS
- List of tables
- List of figures
- Appendices