About 6.5 million people live outside Major Cities—about one-third of the Australian population.
Key findings
- For the period 2002–04, death rates in regional areas were about 1.1 times higher than those in Major Cities. Death rates in Remote and Very Remote areas were also higher (about 1.2 and 1.7 times) than those in Major Cities.
- In 2002–04, the specific causes of elevated death rates outside Major Cities were coronary heart disease (19% of ‘excess’ deaths), other diseases of the circulatory system (18%), motor vehicle traffic accidents (9%) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (9%).
- A major contributor to elevated rates in remote areas is Indigenous Australian mortality, primarily because Indigenous Australians constitute a large proportion of remote area populations, and the death rate for Indigenous Australians generally is over three times higher than for non-Indigenous Australians in Major Cities.
- Death rates for older people, particularly living in remote areas, were generally lower than for their counterparts in Major Cities; this pattern was the opposite of that seen for younger people.
- While all of the causes of death described in this report are noteworthy, two broad causes stand out as being of particular importance: circulatory disease and injury.
Circulatory disease is important because of the large number of ‘excess’ deaths involved, while injury is important because of the large number of ‘excess’ deaths and the young age of many of the people affected.
Other findings
- When all causes of death are considered, the relative difference in mortality rates between Major Cities and regional and remote areas remained unchanged between the periods 1997–99 and 2002–04. With the exception of injury, this pattern was generally consistent across the broad categories of cause of death.
- Between 1992 and 2003, death rates tended to decline in all areas, typically with faster declines in the remote areas where rates tend to be higher.
- As would be expected, death rates within Remoteness Areas are not uniform. New work described in this report shows differences in the death rates of people living in coastal and inland parts of some of the Remoteness Areas outside Major Cities. For example, death rates of people in inland Inner Regional areas were 1.1 times rates for people in Major Cities, while death rates of people in coastal Inner Regional areas were similar to rates for people in Major Cities. Larger differences existed for the smaller populations in the inland and coastal parts of Remote areas.
Preliminary material: Acknowledgments; Abbreviations; Symbols
- Background
- Purpose, scope and structure of this report
- Regional and remote Australia
Data methodology and interpretation
- Methodology
- Indigenous mortality
- Notes on reading and interpreting the main tables in each chapter
- Further developments
All causes of death
- Broad causes of death
- Specific causes of death
- Lung cancer
- Colorectal cancer
- Breast cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Melanoma
- All other neoplasms
Diseases of the circulatory system
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Coronary heart disease
- All other diseases of the circulatory system
Diseases of the respiratory system
- Pneumonia and influenza
- Asthma
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- All other diseases of the respiratory system
Injury and poisoning
- Suicide
- Interpersonal violence
- Falls
- Motor vehicle traffic accidents
- Other land transport accidents
- Other injuries and poisoning
Other causes of death
- Diabetes
- Renal failure
- Liver disease
- All other causes
Coastal/inland supplement
- Introduction
- Coastal classifications
- Demographic characteristics of coastal and inland populations
- Indigenous Australian and non-Indigenous Australian populations
- Socioeconomic status
- Mortality in coastal and inland areas
Technical notes
ICD-10 codes
Population tables
Coastal/inland SLAs
End matter: References: List of tables; List of figures