
This section summarises the updates made to the National community services data dictionary (NCSDD) version 6, published in August 2010. This reflects changes to national health data standards between July 2008 and the June 2010. Two data elements have been added to the NCSDD. Other changes include the revision of six data elements, three national minimum data sets and two classifications. As a result of standards being revised, six data elements, three national minimum data sets and two classifications have been superseded. No national standards have been retired since version 5 of the NCSDD was published.

These new standards have been agreed by the former members of the National Community Services Data Committee (NCSDC), and endorsed by the National Community Services Information Management Group (NCSIMG).

Please note that all the following revisions include only changes made to data dictionary standards. The data dictionary includes only national standards that are generic, that is, that are of relevance to the broader community services sector.

Table 1: Summary table of updates to the NCSDD since version 5
Registration status National minimum data sets Data set specifications Data element clusters Data elements Classifications Glossary items
Standards (new) Nil Nil Nil 2 Nil Nil
Standards(revised) 3 Nil Nil 6 2 Nil
Superseded 3 Nil Nil 6 2 Nil
Retired Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil


Table 2: Revised national minimum data sets
National minimum data set Description of change Data elements revised Data elements added Data elements removed
Commonwealth State/Territory Disability Agreement NMDS (July 2008) One data element revised due to a classification update. Geographic location of organisation (SLA) Nil Nil
Disability Services NMDS (July 2009) Scope statement revised. One data element revised due to a classification update. Geographic location of organisation (SLA) Nil Nil
Juvenile Justice NMDS 2009 Scope statement revised and date elements arranged in data element clusters. Nil Nil Nil


Table 3: Revised data elements
Short name Technical name Description of change
Geographic location of organisation (SLA) Service provider organisation—geographic location (SLA), code (ASGC 2009) NNNNN Classification update.
Geographic location of organisation (SLA) Service provider organisation—geographic location (SLA), code (ASGC 2008) NNNNN Classification update.
Geographic location of person Person—geographic location, code (ASGC 2009) NNNNN Classification update.
Geographic location of person Person—geographic location, code (ASGC 2008) NNNNN Classification update.
Local Government Area Service provider organisation—geographic location (LGA), code (ASGC 2009) NNNNN Classification update.
Local Government Area Service provider organisation—geographic location (LGA), code (ASGC 2008) NNNNN Classification update.


Table 4: New data elements
Short name Technical name
Centrelink customer reference number Person—government funding identifier, Centrelink customer reference number N(9)A
Housing tenure type (person) Person—housing tenure type, code N


Table 5: Revised classification schemes
Name Description of change
Australian Standard Geographical Classification 2008 Classification update.
Australian Standard Geographical Classification 2009 Classification update.