Table of contents
- Preliminary material
- Foreword
- Contents
- Index to data element definitions
- Alphabetical index to data element definitions
- Introduction
- The National Health Data Committee
- The Knowledgebase Australia's Health and Community Services Metadata Registry
- National Minimum Data Sets
- Version 9
- Feedback
- Secretariat contact details
- National Health Information Model
- National Minimum Data Sets
- Data element definitions
- Person characteristic
- State of health and wellbeing
- Organisation characteristic
- Location
- Expenditure
- Outcome
- Party role
- Person event
- Health and welfare service event
- Business statement
- Resource
- Appendices
- Appendix A: The National Health Data Committee membership
- Appendix B: Format for data element definitions - ISO/IEC 11179-based standards
- Appendix C: National Health Information Model entity definitions
- Appendix D: Cross-classificatory variables - staffing category
- Appendix E: Establishment - activity definitions
- Appendix F: Establishment - resource use definitions
- Appendix G: System-level resource definitions
- Appendix H: Data elements listed by previous 'P', 'A', 'E', and 'S' numbers
- Appendix I: Data elements - by Knowledgebase number
- Appendix J: Data elements - in common with other NMDSs
- Appendix K: Subject/key word index to data elements