AIHW releases a suite of alcohol, tobacco and other drug products
The consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs is a major cause of preventable disease and illness in Australia.
In July 2019, the AIHW released a suite of products that help contribute to our understanding of alcohol, tobacco and other drug use and treatment.
Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs in Australia consolidates the most recent information, including key trends on availability, consumption, harms and treatment. The report also examines vulnerable populations, including people experiencing homelessness, people in contact with the criminal justice system and people with mental health conditions.
A series of factsheets on the use of each drug/drug group in Australia as well as vulnerable populations were also released. These are a great education resource as they contain a range of infographics.
Alcohol and other drug (AOD) treatment services provide a broad range of treatment services across Australia as well as support to people using drugs, and also to their friends and families. The report Alcohol and other drug treatment services in Australia 2017–18: key findings, presents high-level information for 2017–18 about publicly funded AOD treatment service agencies, the clients they treat and the treatment they provided.
Alongside this report is a set of data visualisations and maps which present information at the Primary Health Network and State and Territory levels. Explore data specific to your area, such as the principle drug of concern and client demographics. Also compare changes over time.
Pharmacotherapy is one of the main treatment options for opioid drug dependence. The interactive data visualisations presented in Pharmacotherapy in Australia provides an overview as well as demographic and treatment characteristics.