Fact sheets
These fact sheets consolidate key information of Alcohol, tobacco & other drugs in Australia.
The below 17 fact sheets highlight insights into selected drug types and priority populations.
Drug types
- Alcohol and other drug use during COVID-19 [PDF 680kB]
- Tobacco and e-cigarettes [PDF 1.3MB]
- Alcohol [PDF 1.2MB]
- Cannabis [PDF 1.1MB]
- Meth/amphetamine and other stimulants [PDF 1.1MB]
- Pharmaceuticals [PDF 820kB]
- Illicit opioids, including heroin [PDF 965kB]
- New (and emerging) psychoactive substances [PDF 775kB]
Priority populations
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) People [PDF 770kB]
- People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds [PDF 670kB]
- Younger people [PDF 1.8MB]
- Older people [PDF 975kB]
- People with mental health conditions [PDF 640kB]
- People experiencing homelessness [PDF 720kB]
- People in contact with criminal justice systems [PDF 725kB]
- LGBTQIA+ people [PDF 810kB]
- People who inject drugs [PDF 750kB]