
Participation element symbolThe Partnership element of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle (ATSICPP) ensures the participation of children, parents and family members in decisions regarding the care and protection of their children. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families have the best knowledge about the caring strengths and risks that exist in their own families and communities. Involving family members in decision-making can help to widen circles of support for parents and children, identify placement options with family and community and ensure families take responsibility for plans to address safety concerns that are of their own making (SNAICC 2017).

Ensuring the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families to participate in decisions affecting them requires:

  • high cultural competency of professionals to engage families in child protection decision-making processes;
  • family participation in case planning; and
  • quality family decision-making processes.

In particular, taking into account the expressed wishes of the child requires:

  • availability of child advocates ensuring adequate representation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children; and
  • adequate procedures and professional capacity to support participation of children in child protection decision-making.

Measuring Participation

The following indicators are currently under development under Participation:

Number Indicator
Under development

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children admitted to out-of-home care for whom the input of family regarding placement decisions was collected through a family group conference or family led decision making meeting

Under development

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care with cultural support plans that include the input of the child

Under development Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care with cultural support plans that include the input of family members
Under development Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care with cultural support plans that include the input of family collected through a family group conference or family led decision making meeting



SNAICC – National Voice for our Children (2017) Understanding and applying the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle: a resource for legislation, policy, and program development, SNAICC, accessed 16 June 2020.