
Partnership element symbolThe Partnership element of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle (ATSICPP) ensures that participation extends beyond consultation to genuine inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community representatives in the decisions that are made about children at all stages of child and family welfare decision-making (SNAICC 2017).

Protecting the rights of representative participation requires:

  • coverage and capacity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations to lead holistic, integrated prevention, early intervention and out-of-home care service delivery based on their knowledge of local needs;
  • resourced roles to inform the design of child and family welfare policy and service models at local, state and federal levels;
  • a resourced legislative role for participation in all child protection decisions;
  • empowering community-based organisations to facilitate family decision-making processes for all families where child safety concerns are identified;
  • supporting community-based representative child safety structures to promote safety and wellbeing, input to decision-making about the welfare of children and families, and drive local early intervention and prevention strategies;
  • building capacity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and professionals in the sector to deliver the full range of services required; and
  • ensuring adequate, culturally safe legal representation opportunities.

Measuring Partnership

The following indicators are currently under development under Partnership:

Number Indicator
Under development

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children admitted to out-of-home care for whom an ACCO was consulted regarding placement decisions

Under development

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care with cultural support plans that include the input of an ACCO


SNAICC – National Voice for our Children (2017) Understanding and applying the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle: a resource for legislation, policy, and program development, SNAICC, accessed 16 June 2020.