National Framework indicators
Number | Name |
0.1 | Child protection substantiations |
0.2 | Out-of-home care |
0.3 | Teenage births |
0.4 | Low birthweight |
0.5 | Child homicide |
0.6 | Early childhood development |
0.7 | Child social and emotional wellbeing |
0.8 | Family economic situation |
Number | Name |
1.1 | Family functioning |
1.2 | Perceived safety |
Number | Name |
2.1 | Family support service use |
2.2 | Early childhood education |
2.3 | Antenatal care |
Number | Name |
3.1 | Parental substance use (drugs) |
3.2 | Parental substance use (alcohol) |
3.3 | Parental mental health |
3.4 | Homelessness |
3.5 | Domestic violence |
Number | Name |
4.1 | Child protection resubstantiations |
4.2 | Placement stability |
4.3 | Carer retention |
4.4 | Rebuilding resilience of abuse survivors* |
4.5 | Literacy and numeracy |
4.6 | Leaving care plans |
4.7 | Cross-sector clients (a) Child protection clients in youth justice |
Number | Name |
5.1 | Placement of Indigenous children (compliance)* |
5.2 | Placement of Indigenous children (relatives/kin) |
5.3 | Placement of Indigenous children (agency)* |
5.4 | Cultural support plans |
Number | Name |
6.1 | Sexual abuse substantiations |
6.2 | Child sexual assault |
* Indicator not currently reportable due to limitations in data availability/quality.